On Thursday January 23rd Save Vancouver Streets filed a lawsuit against the City of Vancouver. It is our ask that the City of Vancouver follow its own charter and place the certified initiative on the ballot.

Please consider donating to help in our fight. This lawsuit will cost around $35,000 and we need your help. You can donate here - Legal Case Fund

The City of Vancouver plans to remove vehicle travel lanes along SE McGillivray Blvd., SE 34th St., 112th, Main Street and a number of other local streets. This is being done without community involvement and reasonably addressing neighborhood concerns.

Please get involved to ensure your City Council considers the concerns of ALL community members.

A link to ways you can get involved can be found here -

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Initiative Information

An initiative has now been filed with the City of Vancouver and signature gathering has begin. This initiative if passed, would require the City of Vancouver to put a vote to its residents when the city proposed to remove vehicle travel lanes. Click below for information and resources regarding the initiative.


Click here to see more information about proposed changes along SE McGillivray and SE 34th. Also find out more about future proposed projects.


There are a number of concerns that members of the community have shared that do not feel adequately addressed. First and foremost is the lack of community engagement and options. Click on the link below to see a list of some of the concerns.

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